zondag 18 januari 2015

Well hello there cuties!
I'm back with a little sneak peek of tomorrow's post. 
Today was not that good, bad vibes and bad weather. Hope everything will be okay tomorrow. 

What shoes do you guys think I'm wearing? Let me know in a comment.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Hmmm, good question! Maybe some sneakers.
    Doe je zelf je wenkbrauwen btw? And if so, vul je ze ook bij?
    Ik vind ze echt ge-weldig!!


  2. Ik doe mijn wenkbrauwen idd zelf maar mss 1 keer om de zoveel tijd en neen nooit bijgevuld. Dankjewel schat!



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About me

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Hi, it's Yasmine from 'I am Yass'.
Cross media management student and fashion editor at Aya Lifestyle Magazine with big blogging ambition.
You can always find me in Antwerp, the city of fashion.
I'm Belgium based but Moroccan raised! *proud*
Started blogging because of a depression. But now I'm fully recovered and happier than ever.
A little secret to add up; I'm a shoe-addict. -secret is out-

Every Monday-Wednesday-Friday-Sunday at 7a.m. a new post.

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Festival outfits
IAMYASS. Mogelijk gemaakt door Blogger.